4 Easy Exercises You Can Do With Your Dog in Your One-Bedroom Apartment
Are you looking to burn off some of your dog’s energy, but the cold winter weather is keeping you inside? Even if you and your furry friend share an apartment, there are plenty of indoor activities that require little space and will leave your dog tired and happy!
If you’re living in a one-bedroom apartment, here are some indoor activities to help stimulate your dog’s minds and keep them from getting destructive or mischievous.
Let’s get started!
1. Learn New Commands
Learning new commands is a smart way to bond with your dog while strengthening their minds. Teaching your dog small commands can help curb general misbehavior. You can also teach them commands that save you chores, such as putting their toys away. Some commands you could work on with your pup include:
- Leave it
- Come
- Watch me
- Down
- Lie down
- Take it
- Drop it
- Sit
- Stay
- Stand
If your dog has been trained with these commands, there are several advanced commands to try, such as loose leash walking and “settle down”.
2. Create Scavenger Hunts
In your one-bedroom apartment, you can create lots of fun for you and your pet to enjoy. For example, scavenger hunts can be set up using your pet’s favorite treat or toy as a quick game to engage their senses. See below for instructions:
- Scavenger hunt with food: Leave a trail of kibble (or your dog’s favorite treats) throughout your one-bedroom apartment. Once the treats are hidden, allow your dog to snack through the trail and find their treats. You can even practice a command with them before they get their reward.
- Scavenger hunt with a toy: If your dog has a toy they can retrieve by name, use that one for this particular game. Use the commands “sit” and “stay” go to hide the toy in another room. When you’re done, release your dog and encourage them to find their toy. You may need to guide your dog a few feet away from the toy to help them understand. Consider giving them a treat each time they find their toy!
3. Special Treats
Dog-lovers know how much their dogs love special treats. As a fresh change, try freezing a Kong filled with peanut butter to give to your special friend. Peanut butter can add a neat challenge to their treat, encouraging them to work at digging out the tasty reward.
4. Play Interactive Games
A great way to include interaction in your games can be with dog puzzles. There are several dog puzzles available for all breeds and abilities to enjoy, and are made with your dog’s preferences in mind, such as how much they like to chew, and how much interaction they need. Pet puzzles can be used to burn out energy while keeping them entertained and can mentally stimulate their brain to encourage problem-solving.
We Love Animals at ACL!
At Air City Lofts, we believe furry friends are family. Our pet-friendly apartments in Rome, NY are a great size for many breeds to enjoy. If you’re interested in a one-bedroom apartment, check out our availability! We can’t wait to meet you and your forever friend.